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Monday, October 25, 2010

Ways to Make Sex Sexier!

Ways to Make Sex Sexier!


Bored of doing the same old stuff in the bedroom, has sex become a chore? Or do you just want to try some new things?

Well, why not spice up your love life with these simple ideas and gimmicks? You won’t be able to wait for the clock to strike the magic hour when you can hit the sack with your partner!

When you are not together, email the first two sentences of a fantasy. Tell him that he is to respond with the other two lines. Keep mailing each other till the time you both come home.

♥ Touching your partner in sexy ways outside the bedroom — a squeeze here, a kiss there — will remind you both that the routines of the day can make way for nights of magic. And are you too embarrassed to make the first move? Don’t be! Reach out for your man. He will love it and it will make you feel that you are in control.

♥ And by the way, when love is in the air, what is that happy family picture doing on the wall? Surely, you don’t want to be reminded of your parents or siblings or kids when you are about to make some hot moves! So, do take that family picture off the bedroom wall, will you?

♥ Now that you are ready to go, lay him down and read aloud from the fantasies in Nancy Friday’s My Secret Garden or any other favourite book of erotica. Don’t allow any touching to happen when reading. You can even memorize passages to whisper in his ear when you’re making love, but that’s for later, right?

♥ Now, get your partner ready for a backrub, but blindfold him/her first. The lack of sight will leave him/her aching for your touch, wondering what comes next. Make each other mad with anticipation! Brush your fingertips from the top of his legs down to his toes. This light touch will increase the heat and awaken all your partner’s senses. You could also lick the inside of his/her elbows. Pay attention to areas that are not often touched. This will give your partner goose bumps.

♥ After this, start fooling around with each other. Getting there, but not doing it, like when you were in high school or college! Make the shedding of your clothes dramatic. You can take on the persona of a seductive character from your favorite movie, or a favourite actor or actress. Feel how he/she uses his/her body differently from you. Your partner is sure to notice, even if you don’t tell him/her.

♥ Ladies, you can convert your lacy scarf into a sexy prop. Your man may have got used to seeing you nude, but shrouding yourself in a little mystery will remind him of the days when sex was full of mystique and anticipation. Wrap it around your hips, and torso and drive him crazy!

Do follow (some of) these tips and watch your sex life take off!

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