Handy Tips For Better Sex!
Our thought process can often affect our bedroom behavior. You can either use it to spoil your mood completely or to enhance the pleasure. Here are some tips !
1. Go Away, From Your House
You can’t go on vacation all the time, but you can spend a little on a cheap motel. The change of scenery can distract you from your everyday worries. A hotel room is one of the things that take you out of your environment.
2. Don’t Worry About The Economy
We’re all concerned about money and job security, but you have to stop these stressors from disrupting your sex life. Only let yourself worry about them for thirty minutes a day and no more. Soon, this designated “worry period” will allow your brain to relax more easily in bed.
3. Spend Quality Time Together, Everyday
After you’ve finished with your window of fretting, it’s time to relax with your partner. Taking just thirty minutes or an hour after the kids have gone to bed helps you stay connected and increases happiness, which will make your romps more rewarding.
4. Don’t Let Kitchen Mess Bother You
Trick yourself into realizing its OK to skip a chore by leaving the dishes in the sink overnight. The house and your life don’t fall apart, do they? The more often you let yourself off the hook, the less your brain will nag you.
5. Love Yourself
When you look in the mirror, compliment your skin tone instead of calling your thighs flabby. The more you tell yourself positive things, the more your brain will believe them. Also remember that your partner is most likely focusing on the things he likes about your body, not the things you hate.
6. Indulge
You’re not being selfish by carving out carnal time. Tell yourself, I’m allowed to do this. This is part of my life.
7. Spend Some Naked Time Together
The goal isn’t to have sex, but to embrace, which will release the chemical oxytocin into the brain, making you feel safe and connected.
8. No Performance Anxiety
Forget trying to look or act like a porn star and focus on what feels good. If you feel anxiety or body insecurity creeping in during the act, take deep breaths in through your nose and out your mouth.
9. Keep Serious Stuff Away From Bedroom
Talk about serious stuff with your partner in a neutral place so your mind doesn’t associate the bedroom with fighting or heavy conversation. Don’t talk about money, parents, the kids or religion.
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