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Monday, October 25, 2010

The Hot and Steamy Marriage Bed!!

The Hot and Steamy Marriage Bed!!

While many couples seem to have to struggle to keep the fires of passion going in their marriage, there are some who can’t wait to get together in bed. Just checks out the factors that are the passion-killers and suggests how to have a steamy sex life even after several years of marriage.

I don’t enjoy sex at all. I’ve been married seven years and our sex life is so boring, that really, I’d just rather not have it. Yes, we did enjoy sex once but now it’s a chore. Help!!”

This cry for help is not Archana’s alone. And, really, there’s no shortage of factors that can ruin a couple’s sex lives- busy schedules, kids, aging bodies. But physical intimacy is glue that holds a marriage or a relationship together. You may argue that there are plenty of factors like shared history, family, friendship etc that will keep your relationship going but if the sexual dry spell in your marriage doesn’t come to a timely halt, there is reason even for the marriage to break up.

Remember, sex is hugely important, especially when neither partner is allowed to go anywhere to get it. Also, it’s not just about physical release, right? It’s about feeling wanted and connected. When this intimacy fades, so does intimacy on all other levels.Couples will stop sharing laughs together, engaging in conversation or snuggling on the couch. They will be in conflict over matters which actually stem from sexual dissatisfaction but will manifest themselves in trivialities. The more discord there is in a relationship, the less thee couple is going to want to have sex. But don’t fear, dear readers, Ms. Feelwel is going to tell you how to break out of this vicious circle and let you into the:

Secrets of Couples Who Have Lots and Lots of Sex

Set a Weekly Sex Goal:

Give sex a top billing, no matter that you have to juggle a million things to do so. Pick a number at random from one to ten on Sunday evening. Suppose the number you pick is eight, you have to have sex eight times before the week ends. If three days go by and you’ve had sex only twice, you have to find the time and the place- whether it’s in the garage while the kids are playing in the backyard or while you are getting a bath – together.

Make the Mood Happen:

Don’t wait for your libido to start up. If it’s not springing into action, give it a crank-start. A true carnal connoisseur will never sit around, waiting for desire to set her/him awash. Well, that way you may have to wait for a long, long time. Kick-start your libido with some X-rated thoughts. You could also read some erotica, see a sexy movie and get yourself into a fired-up state that will lead you straight to bed- and not to sleep, I may add!!

Trade the Turns –Change Roles:

Many couples have different schedules so it may happen that when you are raring to go, your partner is dead beat. But there is a way around this. The partner who is high on energy at the given moment can become the sexual ringmaster while the other just lies back, relaxes and enjoys the ride. There is no need for any guilt to be attached to this because the favour will be returned very soon, yes?

There is another advantage to alternating the take-charge roles- there is always a fresh energy flowing and you can double the number of sex-capades. And both of you work at keeping the thrills ‘coming’

Every Time is a Good Time:

You can’t really be a devil in bed if you’ve scheduled sex in the time slot between 10 O’ clock and the time you fall asleep. Exciting sex can’t happen if you make it a bedtime ritual. The truly satisfied couples find their own little niches where sex will be the best. While some may find it great when they both return from work and strip off each-other’s office clothes while other carnally successful couples will schedule it after they wake in the morning, the time they have completely to themselves. And how about weekend afternoons, holiday mornings after coffee- don’t be discriminating- just go for complete satisfaction, anytime, every time!

Play the Song:

Music can get you in the mood instantaneously! There is some music that you associate with awesome sex, and some that will steer you straight into the bedroom. If it’s the mood you want, get the music going and your partner will catch the signals and you can make some beautiful music together.

Make Sex a Panacea:

If you are a sexy siren, you know all too well that sex can actually alleviate stress, exhaustion and marital tension. So the very reasons that you use to NOT go to bed with your partner are reasons to have sex. Having sex will actually energise you rather than drain you out so you should look for opportunities to use some loving to boost up your energy levels. When you are tired, instead of shrugging off your partner’s attempts at seduction, welcome them, and your lovemaking frequency will certainly increase. Stop thinking of sex as yet another chore on your to-do list but start looking at it as a way to connect with your partner and feeling more relaxed and calmer. So do slip into the sack when you’re tired but take your partner with you!

Heighten Your Sense of Desire:

Think sexy the whole day long. Don’t reserve sex for the bedroom alone but do things that will add the libidinous spice to everyday activities. Consciously add some sexual flavours into different areas of your life. E.g. wear silky underwear, buy yourself an ice-cream cone and eat it in a suggestive way or take a sensuous shower with all kinds of scrubs and creams. All of this will keep you on a high erotic energy level.

To get your partner at the same level, give him a dose as well. When you are dressing for work, stretch out and give him a little view of your beautiful body, ask him for a towel when you are bathing, give him a call from work and tell him to get ready for something special in the evening. Sex just has to happen that night!!

Wherever, However:

Make frequent sex your philosophy. A lot of sex, no matter of what kind, is essential to a healthy relationship. If sex has to be a quickie sometimes, so be it. Just because it’s quick, doesn’t mean it’s not good. So go for the fast- and -furious romp if that’s all you have the time for. If your kids are coming back in 20 minutes, you certainly don’t have the time for the serenade and the candles, do you?

All of these simple tips can be easily incorporated into your schedule and before you know it, you’re going to be burning up the bed sheets. Join the legions of the extra-passionate and discover that your packed day is full of opportunities to tear your clothes off!! So why wait? Just go for the high energy passion!

Handy Tips For Better Sex!

Handy Tips For Better Sex!

Better Sex

Our thought process can often affect our bedroom behavior. You can either use it to spoil your mood completely or to enhance the pleasure. Here are some tips !

1. Go Away, From Your House

You can’t go on vacation all the time, but you can spend a little on a cheap motel. The change of scenery can distract you from your everyday worries. A hotel room is one of the things that take you out of your environment.

2. Don’t Worry About The Economy

We’re all concerned about money and job security, but you have to stop these stressors from disrupting your sex life. Only let yourself worry about them for thirty minutes a day and no more. Soon, this designated “worry period” will allow your brain to relax more easily in bed.

3. Spend Quality Time Together, Everyday

After you’ve finished with your window of fretting, it’s time to relax with your partner. Taking just thirty minutes or an hour after the kids have gone to bed helps you stay connected and increases happiness, which will make your romps more rewarding.

4. Don’t Let Kitchen Mess Bother You

Trick yourself into realizing its OK to skip a chore by leaving the dishes in the sink overnight. The house and your life don’t fall apart, do they? The more often you let yourself off the hook, the less your brain will nag you.

5. Love Yourself

When you look in the mirror, compliment your skin tone instead of calling your thighs flabby. The more you tell yourself positive things, the more your brain will believe them. Also remember that your partner is most likely focusing on the things he likes about your body, not the things you hate.

6. Indulge

You’re not being selfish by carving out carnal time. Tell yourself, I’m allowed to do this. This is part of my life.

7. Spend Some Naked Time Together

The goal isn’t to have sex, but to embrace, which will release the chemical oxytocin into the brain, making you feel safe and connected.

8. No Performance Anxiety

Forget trying to look or act like a porn star and focus on what feels good. If you feel anxiety or body insecurity creeping in during the act, take deep breaths in through your nose and out your mouth.

9. Keep Serious Stuff Away From Bedroom

Talk about serious stuff with your partner in a neutral place so your mind doesn’t associate the bedroom with fighting or heavy conversation. Don’t talk about money, parents, the kids or religion.

Why Can’t Women Reach The Peak?

Why Can’t Women Reach The Peak?


Do you know that 75 % of the Women Fake Orgasm?

Everybody heard rumors about women faking orgasms. Could this be true? Well, bad news for the guys. Women fake it. Maybe not every time, but it’s a high probability that it has happened. The majority of women have faked at least one orgasm, yet some fake almost all of them. Why do they do that? There are many reasons and before you start getting performance anxiety, the truth is that you or your technique is probably not to blame.

A female orgasm can be most easily faked by a good actress. There are few options: gripping something tightly; moaning loudly; breathing deeply; burying face into something (pillow); doing kegels or anything else at least remotely dramatic or climatic.

Researches revealed that just 25% of women can always (or almost always) reach orgasm during the contact (in the case of the males, this is well over 90%) This means that 75 % of the women need more than the in and out movement to make them go over.

So, what can impede a woman from getting the climax, making her use the theatrics, and what can guys do to avoid this?


It is extremely important for the woman to know that she can talk with you, tell you anything and you can listen to her, without your making wise guy comments or seeming to be surprised at what she is telling you. Many women are embarrassed to say what they want, and more importantly, telling you what they don’t want. Some women never really experience orgasm while making sex, but they want their partner to feel good about himself and her.

Find What She Wants

A man can get to the right point without directions but it also makes sense to ask her where her “buttons” are and reassure her you’re willing to do what she wants without judging her. If she’s still too shy, she could indicate what she would like by sending signals or by guiding your hands.

Make Her Feel Beautiful

To feel relaxed, which is essential for achieving an orgasm, a woman must feel that she is attractive. Many women have body issues. They may not think they are attractive enough, or sexy enough, for you. Women are bombarded with images of perfect bodies, perfect faces by media, net, TV and so on. Seeing you too interested in the perfect bodies you see around does not help. A woman needs to hear and often from you that she’s beautiful and sexy and she looks amazing in certain clothes.

Peak 2

Pump Up the Volume!

Build up the excitement by calling her in the middle of the day, telling her you can’t wait to meet her tonight. Send her send her passionate messages. She’ll be thinking about it all day and be really raring to go by night time.

Stimulate The C Spot!

Please, please remember that less than 25% of women have just vaginal orgasms while many of the rest have only clitoral orgasms. Thus, you have to play with her little love button if you want to get rid of the theater from your bed.

Play to Her Fantasies

Women have much greater sexual imagination than men do. Her sexual fantasies would put the greatest male fantasy…that of having a trio in bed, to shame. (80 % of the men have this fantasy). Women think on detailed stories involving uniforms, princes, princesses or whatever gets her going.

Some women might want to be someone else for the night. This may make her feel more comfortable doing things she wouldn’t normally do as herself.

Be careful About the Timing

Having sex only because the partner wants to, also makes women to fake. When a man tries very hard, sometimes even too hard to make his woman have an orgasm, the woman usually finds it better to fake it than to disappoint her partner once again.

She may be distracted or she may just not be in the mood. So, she will resort to theatrics just to please you. It beats having you pumping away for hours when she’s not in the mood.”

Sweet and Sexy Kisses to spark up your life

Sweet and Sexy Kisses to spark up your life


When passion takes a grip, two lips melt in a blissful fantasy to dissolve in a euphoric pleasure with an exchange of scents, tastes, secrets and emotions.Kissing is not just two lipstouching each other, it is an exchange of breath and union of souls that crave for each other, it might not be the height of union, but it does send sensations that shake our soul to the core.

A sweet and gentle kiss may be as silent as a dark dead night but its echo lasts forever in the hearts of those who kissed. It says it all that even a thousand words would not be able to express. We kiss furtively, lasciviously, gently, shyly, hungrily and exuberantly. We kiss in broad daylight and in the dead of the night for a kiss is the sweetest and gentlest of expressions of love, passion and romance.

Researchers are revealing hidden complexities behind the simple act of kissing, which relays powerful messages to your brain, body and partner. In the body, akiss triggers a cascade of neural messages and chemicals that transmit tactile sensations, sexual excitement, feelings of closeness, motivation and even euphoria.

When it comes to kissing, the body is like a landscape and Kissing is like real estate, the most important thing is location. Read on to discover some interesting new methods and locations to kiss that can bring sparks in your kissing sessions.

Butterfly Kiss

This sweet and naughty kiss has a fluttery butterfly like effect. Glue on a pair of temporary false eyelashes. Bring your face very close to that of your partner and then flutter your eyelashes across their lips for the ultimate fringe effect and wink away.

Palate Teasing

While French kissing your partner, reach out into their mouth and gently rub your tongue across their palate. It will produce extremely high volt sensations. Check out how kinky things will become with this ultra luscious kiss.

Earlobe Pleasure

Earlobe is the most sensitive part of the body, kissing this tiniest and softest part can amazingly turn you on with a wild frenzy. Kissyour husband’s earlobe softly and gently suck the lower part and whisper words of desire to heat things up.


We generally neglect to kiss on fingers, but kissing on fingers is the cutest and sweetest act of showing love, Kiss them gently while sucking the tips to produce kinky sensations. Kissing on feet fingers, especially feet toe can have incredibly raunchy effects.

Icy Kiss

Put an ice cube into your mouth and slowly rub that ice cube on your husband’s body. From his forehead to toe, to produce icy chills of passion and desire. The poor little ice cube will melt down within minutes in the fiery desire of your love.

Sweet and Spicy Kisses

After having some sweet dessert, take a red hot pepper in your mouth and gently brush it against your husband’s lips. Ah the spicy effect of the pepper will create red hot flames of passion.

Hot and Cold

French kiss your partner's lips to make them warm and then blow on them to make them cold.

Love Bites

Who can deny the effect of bitter sweet bites of love? Yes love bites are a little bit painful but the pain and pleasure when mixed together says it all what love is all about. Yes love bites are the perfect physical illustrations of the pain that comes with happiness and charm of love. Bite your partner for they create passionate sparks, bite on their lips, on their ears, neck, legs or anywhere you want and make them feel the bitter sweet pain of love.

Ways to Make Sex Sexier!

Ways to Make Sex Sexier!


Bored of doing the same old stuff in the bedroom, has sex become a chore? Or do you just want to try some new things?

Well, why not spice up your love life with these simple ideas and gimmicks? You won’t be able to wait for the clock to strike the magic hour when you can hit the sack with your partner!

When you are not together, email the first two sentences of a fantasy. Tell him that he is to respond with the other two lines. Keep mailing each other till the time you both come home.

♥ Touching your partner in sexy ways outside the bedroom — a squeeze here, a kiss there — will remind you both that the routines of the day can make way for nights of magic. And are you too embarrassed to make the first move? Don’t be! Reach out for your man. He will love it and it will make you feel that you are in control.

♥ And by the way, when love is in the air, what is that happy family picture doing on the wall? Surely, you don’t want to be reminded of your parents or siblings or kids when you are about to make some hot moves! So, do take that family picture off the bedroom wall, will you?

♥ Now that you are ready to go, lay him down and read aloud from the fantasies in Nancy Friday’s My Secret Garden or any other favourite book of erotica. Don’t allow any touching to happen when reading. You can even memorize passages to whisper in his ear when you’re making love, but that’s for later, right?

♥ Now, get your partner ready for a backrub, but blindfold him/her first. The lack of sight will leave him/her aching for your touch, wondering what comes next. Make each other mad with anticipation! Brush your fingertips from the top of his legs down to his toes. This light touch will increase the heat and awaken all your partner’s senses. You could also lick the inside of his/her elbows. Pay attention to areas that are not often touched. This will give your partner goose bumps.

♥ After this, start fooling around with each other. Getting there, but not doing it, like when you were in high school or college! Make the shedding of your clothes dramatic. You can take on the persona of a seductive character from your favorite movie, or a favourite actor or actress. Feel how he/she uses his/her body differently from you. Your partner is sure to notice, even if you don’t tell him/her.

♥ Ladies, you can convert your lacy scarf into a sexy prop. Your man may have got used to seeing you nude, but shrouding yourself in a little mystery will remind him of the days when sex was full of mystique and anticipation. Wrap it around your hips, and torso and drive him crazy!

Do follow (some of) these tips and watch your sex life take off!

Foods for Flirting, Seduction & Sexual Performance

Foods for Flirting, Seduction & Sexual Performance


Looking for ways to spice up your sex life? They may already be in your kitchen!

Researchers say the smell, taste, and even appearance of certain foods can act as potent aphrodisiacs that not only get you in the mood for love, but also may even make you a better flirt and lover. Once you know what these foods are, you can take complete advantage of them!

“Different foods have different nutrients and substances that affect the body physiologically in different ways, that’s why different foods work for different stages,” says clinical sexologist Ava Cadell, PhD. “Some foods lower inhibitions, some get the blood flowing directly to the genitalia, and some foods release happy hormones.”

For Flirting

Why do you need these foods? Well when looking for a possible partner, it’s you may like to choose foods that secrete chemicals and hormones that make you happy in order to increase self-confidence, lower inhibitions, and make you a better flirt.

These foods include Chili peppers, which are spicy foods get the heart pumping and induce sweating. You can also go for the good ol’ Bananas. They contain chemicals that have a mood-lifting effect on the brain and raise self-confidence. Another recommended food is Carrots. Their phallic appearance and high-fiber content may induce sexual desire.


For Seduction

Now for stage two, that is seduction. Aphrodisiacs can help trigger the release of sex hormones, such as testosterone, provide a quick energy boost, and increase blood flow to the genitals to get the body “in the mood” for love.

It’s now essential to create a visual stimulation with foods that look like the genitalia, such as oysters, fresh figs, or carrots. Also, certain foods release hormones, like testosterone in women that makes them more sexually aggressive and adventurous. You can also experiment with Shrimp. High in iodine, shrimp and other types of seafood are vital to the thyroid gland, which is vital for energy. Try the age old Chocolate which provides a jolt of caffeine. Ginger reportedly increases blood flow to the genitals in both men and women.Green Olives are believed to make men more virile, and black olives ones increase women’s sexdrive. Tomatoes, known as “love apples” have a reputation as a sexual stimulant andApples, since Adam and Eve, has been synonymous with temptation. Asparagus, which is a sexy, long, phallic-looking food, is rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin E that can aid in hormone production and raising energy levels.


For Sexual Performance

In the final stage of orgasm, even the scent of some aphrodisiacs may be enough to add to sexual arousal and improve performance.

“Depending on where you are in your relationship you may want to use different food odors and tastes, since 90% of taste is smell, to get the different responses you’re looking for,” says Alan R. Hirsch, MD, neurological director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago.

In a study that looked at what scents stimulated sexual arousal, Hirsch found every food aroma they tested triggered a sexual response in men, and some foods had more dramatic effects than others.

“For example, cheese pizza increased penile blood flow by 5%, buttered popcorn by 9%, and lavender and pumpkin pie by 40%,” Hirsch says. “So you may want to start with something like cheese pizza to begin with.”

In comparison, floral perfume only prompted a 3% increase in blood flow to the penis among men. Among women, the smell of men’s cologne actually lowered blood flow to the vagina.

The study also found that the scent of lavender and pumpkin pie was a powerful sexual stimulant for women, but the combination of licorice-flavored candy and cucumber was the most potent sexual scent in increasing blood flow to the vaginal area.

However, the study found that unlike with men, some food smells actually inhibited sexual desire in women, such as cherries and the odor of barbeque or roasting meat

How To Be A Fantastic Flirt !

How To Be A Fantastic Flirt !

 Fantastic Flirt

Of course girls can flirt… whoever told you that’s a premise for men alone. No, girls, you can have the guys tied up in knots if you like, you only need to know how. Here are some tricks and tips to keep the guys delighted by your flirtatious self! Read and practice!

Pay close attention. You are just about to learn easy ways toflirt with a guy

1. Make Eye Contact

The eyes can be most important instrument for flirting guys. There should be repeated contact. Eye contact is very important, it tells that you are sincere. On your first, he will make sure that it is really him that you are flirting with. With your second, he knows it’s him and is all giddy about it and on your third, he might be going over to your table now, you should express interest by introducing yourself and starting a conversation.

2. Whisper

This usually gets their attention. Avoid shoutin

g. Check your voice; it may sound like a grill.

3. Alone-Some

No man can bear a rejection in front of a herd. Also, he may feel that he can’t approach you because of your friends.

4. Politeness Please!

If you are not interested, be polite. You can always refer him to one of the girls. At least, you can practice your confidence in meeting other people and you just met a potential friend!


5. No Sexual Stuff

Give clear signals that you are not just making fun out of it. Make sure to check your choice of words too, your flirting might sound a little sexual instead of a friendly flirting.

6. The Positive Approach

People like to be with people who are cheerful and has a positive mindset. Feel good

about yourself and everyone, and they will feel good about you.

7. Buddy System

This is used a lot by female groups going to parties or drinking place. Walk through a group of men and let one of your friends check out who is eyeing on you.

8. Don’t Flash Too Much Skin

Become more irresistible by showing a little of you, a little flesh in the legs is not that bad, wear something that can emphasize your great features.

9. Be Approving of Him

Give him the winning look. From head to toe, nod with approval and flash your sweetest smile.

10. Don’t Pretend

Lastly, don’t forget to be YOURSELF! You will not enjoy any moment of it if you are playing somebody who you’re not supposed to be, stay focus and be proud of who you are.

Do’s and Dont’s of Successful Dating

Do’s and Dont’s of Successful Dating


Follow the simple and beneficial dating tips to find out your Mr. Right!

In our society norms there are some social conventions that discriminate the set of rules for men and women when it comes to dating. As far as dating is concerned, it is a game. To know the rules of the game is an extra advantage to win it. Similarly, if you know the smart dating tips prior to have a dating decision, you will definitely end up as the winner. Our free dating advice will definitely help you landing in the safe place; however, you may change the dating rules according to the situation intelligently.

The most important dating advice is to lower down your expectations, when you are going on dating the person for the first time. Dating is an attraction; and you must look great on your date with gorgeous hair, suitable makeup and lovable dress. Avoid too much over-do with your looks on dating, as it will not turn up in your favor.

When you are judging the person you are dating with, use our dating tips to make your work easier. Try to have a close watch on the etiquettes of the man. Make sure you receive flowers, if not, don’t apply any dating tips on him, as he is out of the list. Our datingadvice is to never come up early on date, as it is the right of a woman to make the guy wait. The golden rule of dating is always let your man pay and let him ensure you the best out of the date.

With our free dating advice you will definitely feel confident at your date, as you will have a grasp on what you are doing. Maintain your femininity and self-respect on dating, but don’t show yourself as too much empowered, as the man will then lose interest. To develop the interest in dating with you, maintain secrecy and reveal brief information about you, this will surely make the datinginteresting.

The most essential dating advice is never ever talk about your past relationship, when you are dating with a new man. The discussion of previous dating will ruin all your dating tips and plans. The dating rule which mostly women ignore is to avoid speedy dating. It sounds good when you are having speedy dating, but it is very risky and doesn’t guarantee you a successful relationship.

Don’t ever show speedy dating acts to the men. Sleeping with the man in early dating will end up in a disaster for all these datingtips. To make you’re dating relationship work and to take full advantage of the amazing free dating advice, never ever come across that you are too desperate or too much available for him. In that case, the dating will conclude the relationship in the very first date, which is surely negative.

Through these dating tips and dating advice, you will surely work out a successful dating relationship. These helpful dating tips will assist you in developing interest among the men. By following our free dating advice you will become a winner in attracting your Mr. Right towards you.

What Women Want In A Man What women want in a man changes every 10 years.

What Women Want In A Man

What women want in a man changes every 10 years. Checkout the ever changing list…

What I Want In a Man, Original List

1. Handsome
2. Charming
3. Financially
4. A caring listener
5. Witty
6. In good shape
7. Dresses with style
8. Appreciates finer things
9. Full of thoughtful surprises

What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 32)

1. Nice looking
2. Opens car doors, holds chairs
3. Has enough money for a nice dinner
4. Listens more than talks
5. Laughs at my jokes
6. Carries bags of groceries with ease
7. Owns at least one tie
8. Appreciates a good home-cooked meal
9. Remembers birthdays and anniversaries

Women 2

What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 42)

1. Not too ugly
2. Doesn’t drive off until I’m in the car
3. Works steady – splurges on dinner out occasionally
4. Nods head when I’m talking
5. Usually remembers punch lines of jokes
6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
7. Wears a shirt that covers his stomach
8. Knows not to buy champagne with screw-top lids
9. Remembers to put the toilet seat down
10. Shaves most weekends

What I Want in a Man,
Revised List (age 52)

1. Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed
2. Doesn’t belch or scratch in public
3. Doesn’t borrow money too often
4. Doesn’t nod off to sleep when I’m venting
5. Doesn’t re-tell the same joke too many times
6. Is in good enough shape to get off the couch on weekends
7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear
8. Appreciates a good TV dinner
9. Remembers your name on occasion
10. Shaves some weekends
women 3

What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 62)

1. Doesn’t scare small children
2. Remembers where bathroom is
3. Doesn’t require much money for upkeep
4. Only snores lightly when asleep
5.. Remembers why he’s laughing
6. Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself
7. Usually wears some clothes
8. Likes soft foods
9. Remembers where he left his teeth
10. Remembers that it’s the weekend

What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 72)

1. Breathing.
2. Doesn’t miss the toilet.